3 Toboggans For Snow-Filled Fun

3 Toboggans For Snow-Filled Fun

Chances are, you and the kids have enjoyed an extended holiday from work with the recent snowstorms hitting the UK. Gia has already shared her top activities to do when you're surrounded by a foot of snow. Now I'd like to round up an old classic for snow-time fun.

The Toboggan.

Unsurprisingly, toboggans are selling out across the UK, but I've spotted a few quirky options and a few classic items for you to enjoy some proper sledging.

The Big Glider on the right is from Active Toys (£7.14) is large enough for a adult or an older child. Simply sit on the larger section and pull the handle section towards you.

Prefer something more classic? How about....

This traditional toboggan. This one is from Sledges (£69.99), and combines the wooden style of days gone by with the convenience of a folding centre, so it doesn't spend the next few months hogging all the space in your garden shed.

Or, if you really fancy splashing out, you could buy this Porsche sledge. At £333.09, it's a pretty heavy price for something you'll probably only get to use a couple of times a decade!