A Letter to My Little Sister

You are my blood. My family. My friend.As I am yours.And it is a huge honour that you chose ME to stand beside you on your wedding day.

On the weekend, I watched you get married to your best friend.

To your soul mate.

To the love of your life.

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for choosing me to be your maid of honour.

I am overwhelmed with gratitude.

My heart is bursting with pride, and joy.

I am honoured to have been chosen as such an important person to represent you on your special day.

I guess that's why it's called "maid of honour".

The dictionary definition for "maid of honour", is as follows:

"An unmarried woman who is the chief attendant of the bride."

But for me, it runs so much deeper than that "definition".

I detest being put into a "box".

I am so much more than an "unmarried woman". That is the "chief attendant of the bride".

As you are much more to me than just the "bride".

You are my blood. My family. My friend.

As I am yours.

And it is a huge honour that you chose ME to stand beside you on your wedding day.

I hope I did ok.

Especially when I dropped your bouquet in front of everyone when you handed it to me (*face-palms self* - you really can't take me anywhere)...

I wanted to let you know that I am so happy for the both of you.

I am so excited I could lay an egg, whilst vomiting rainbows, glitter, and riding a unicorn.

I am beyond happy that you have married such a kind, and beautiful soul.

I am so proud, and honoured to call your husband, my brother.

I am ecstatic that he comes from such a lovely family, that are so warm and welcoming.

I trust that I too, have gained four wonderful sisters.

What lovely girls you have as new sisters...

It made my heart swell seeing you so happy, in love, and adored by all of his family.

I can't wait to kiss your babies, and pinch their chubby cheeks.

I promise to be the best Aunty EVER.

I want to thank you for such an amazing weekend.

I was so honoured to have the privilege of being able to walk you down the aisle with our father.

And I hope that the shadow that we cast on the ground in that photograph is a reminder of the support stands behind you. That there is a message in the way the sun shone on you that day. That neither of us are afraid of the dark that sometimes takes us captive. And even if we are, we possess the strength, and courage to pull the other one into the light. To reach for the stars, no matter what anyone else thinks..

You deserve all of the luck that is coming your way.

And then some.

Ironically, I want to thank you for being MY big sister over the past 18 months.

Without you, and the other women in my life (you all know who you are), I wouldn't have been able to stand tall next to you the way that I did.

You have been firm with me, with your "no-nonsense" take on life, yet allowed me to be the free-spirited, and soft-to-a-fault woman that I am.

Allowing me to walk tall next to you. And I am eternally grateful.

So to my little sister and her new husband, I wish you all the luck, love, joy, and happiness in the world.

I look forward to watching your family grow, and I thank you with all of my heart for including me the way that you did in your special day.

Sending you all the love and light in the universe that I can muster up, and all of the luck for your future.

Congratulations. Much love to you both xxx.

"There were once two sisters who were not afraid of the dark,

because the dark was full of the other's voice

across the room,

because even when the night was thick and starless,

they walked home together from the river

seeing who could last the longest without turning on her flashlight,

not afraid

because sometimes in the pitch of night,

they'd lie on their backs in the middle of the path and look up until the stars came back,

and when they did,

they'd reach their arms up to touch them

and did." - Jandy Nelson