Aldi's Back To School Uniform Bundle Is Only £4.50. Here's When You Can Shop It

Kit your kids out for the new term for less than a fiver.

While September and the new school year still seem a long way off, many parents will be uniform shopping now in the hopes of getting things sorted before the summer holidays. This might be why canny Aldi is offering a school uniform bundle for a bargain of just £4.50. 

In the bundle you’ll find two polo shirts (£1.75 for the two pack), one sweatshirt (£1), and a pair of trousers or pleated skirt (£1.75) – so you can kit your kids out for less than a fiver. The deal is 50p less than even last year’s equivalent bundle from Aldi.

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The supermarket’s Back To School range – available in ages 3-11 – is made with sustainable cotton. Aldi partnered with the ‘Cotton Made In Africa’ initiative, which works to improve condition for cotton farmers and their families.

This year's range includes some new items: jersey trousers or skirt (£2.79) and the jersey pinafore (£6.99 for a two pack), which are available in navy, black and grey. 

As for the extras, you can pick up a five pack of socks (£1.99) and a three pack of tights (£3.99), as well as a pair of leather shoes (£6.99), which contain odour-reducing technology so they’ll last long after break time on the playground. 

Also available to shop is a full PE kit, including joggers (£2.99), crew neck t-shirts (£1.79), plimsolls (£1.99) and trainers (£5.99).

Put in a stationery order too with the workbooks (starting from £1.99) which can be safely stored away in a backpack (£12.99) alongside lunch bags (£5.99).

Not bad, Aldi.  

You’ll be able to pre-order the bundle online from Sunday 7 July and buy it in store from Thursday 11 July, which leaves you plenty of time for the painstakingly hunt for new school shoes.  

“Parents all over the UK will be familiar with the financial concern that comes with the back-to-school uniform rush,” said Julie Ashfield, managing director of buying at Aldi. “We’re committed to helping reduce this worry and know how important it is for shoppers to invest in high-quality uniforms that stand the test of time.” 

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