Eating An Apple Before Shopping Inspires You To Make Healthier Choices At The Supermarket, Study Suggests

Eat An Apple Before Shopping And You'll Buy Healthier Food

When faced with rows of treats, it's tempting to fill our trollies with food we know isn't particularly good for our health.

But new research suggests eating an apple before going to the supermarket may help us to resist the lure of crisps and chocolate.

After eating an apple, shoppers buy 25% more fruit and vegetables than they would otherwise, the study says.

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Researchers from Cornell University completed three experiments to draw their conclusions.

In the first experiment, the scientists split 120 shoppers into three group. The first group were given an apple before they arrived at the supermarket and the second group were given a cookie. The third group ate nothing at all before shopping.

After analysing their trollies, the researchers concluded that those who ate an apple bought 28% more fruit and veg than those given a cookie.

The apple eaters also bought 25% more fruit and veg than the group who ate nothing at all.

"What this teaches us, is that having a small healthy snack before shopping can put us in a healthier mindset and steer us towards making better food choices," one of the study authors Aner Tal said in a statement.

In the second and third experiments, participants completed a virtual shopping test.

For the second experiment, 56 participants were split in half, with 28 of them eating an apple and 28 of them eating a cookie before the test began.

Each group was shown pictures of foods that are either high or low in calories.

When the participants were asked which foods they would like to buy, the apple-eating group made healthier choices.

For the third experiment, the researchers looked into whether our perception of what healthy food is also influences our shopping choices.

In this part of the investigation, 59 participants were split into three groups.

Group one was given chocolate milk labeled "healthy, wholesome chocolate milk", group two was given the same chocolate milk but it was labeled "rich, indulgent chocolate milk" and the final group did not receive any chocolate milk.

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Healthy Foods You Should Be Eating
Swiss Chard(01 of07)
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Why it's good for you: With red and yellow stems, and dark green leaves, Swiss chard is both beautiful to look at and a nutritional powerhouse. A true "super food," 1 cup of Swiss chard has just 35 calories, and meets 300 percent of your daily vitamin K needs and 109 percent of your daily vitamin A requirements. Packed with disease-fighting carotenoids, Swiss chard may protect aging eyes.How to eat it: Sautee with a little chopped garlic, olive oil and lemon juice, as you would spinach.More from U.S. News:In Pictures: 10 Healthy Desserts -- and They're Tasty, TooHealthy Red-Meat Substitutes You'll LoveEmpower Your Diet With AntioxidantsFlickr photo by MissMessie (credit:Flickr: MissMessie)
Flax Seeds(02 of07)
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Why they're good for you: Loaded with plant chemicals known as lignans, flax seeds may provide some protection against cancers that are sensitive to hormones, such as breast cancer. Plus their omega-3 essential fatty acids have heart-healthy effects.How to eat them: Try them in yogurt, cereals, salads and breads. To ensure you release the omega-3 fats, be sure to grind the seeds prior to serving.Flickr photo by kickthebeat (credit:Flickr: kickthebeat)
Turmeric(03 of07)
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Why it's good for you: Turmeric probably isn't a staple in your spice rack -- but it should be! It is a major ingredient in Indian curries. Used as both medicine and food for centuries, studies suggest that this relative of ginger is a promising preventive agent for a wide range of diseases, probably due largely to its anti-inflammatory properties.How to eat it: You can use turmeric as a base for your next curry or simply sprinkle some on chicken breasts prior to grilling.Flickr photo by jo-h (credit:Flickr: jo-h)
Artichokes(04 of07)
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Why they're good for you: Virtually fat-free and low in sodium, the artichoke is rich in vitamin C, folate, potassium and especially fiber. The bottom (or what is often referred to as the "heart") of an artichoke has just 26 calories but 3 grams of fiber.How to eat them: Preparing and eating artichokes might seem a bit daunting given their unusual shape and texture. But as long as you have a good knife, they are simple to steam and make a wonderful appetizer or side dish. After steaming, start by pulling off the outermost petals. Dip the base of the petal into your favorite sauce. Once all the petals have been removed, you've arrived at the heart, which you can slice and dip.Flickr photo by basykes (credit:Flickr: basykes)
Beets(05 of07)
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Why they're good for you: Beets are one of the best sources of folate. Folate is especially important during periods of rapid cell division and growth, such as infancy and pregnancy. One cup of beets provides only 60 calories, no fat, about 40 percent of your daily value for folic acid and 4 grams of fiber.How to eat them: Enjoy beets raw, sliced or prepare a delicious beet salad by tossing them with olive oil and a splash of lemon.Flickr photo by Makuahine Pa'i Ki'i (credit:Flickr: Makuahine Pa'i Ki'i)
Prunes(06 of07)
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Why they're good for you: While they may not be the sexiest item in the produce aisle, prunes (or dried plums, which sound more appealing, but are the same) are chock full of health benefits, plus they are delicious. One serving (about five dried plums) has 3 grams of fiber, 293 milligrams of potassium, and 16 milligrams of magnesium, all for less than 100 calories. Studies have shown that dried plums promote heart and digestive health.How to eat them: Prunes are a perfect on-the-go snack -- you can buy them pre-packaged and just pop them into your purse or briefcase. They also add a bit of natural sweetness to desserts and baked goods. (credit:Alamy)
Chia Seeds(07 of07)
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Why they're good for you: You remember the Chia Pet, don't you? Well, now chia seeds are the latest hot trend. And they really do pack a nutritional wallop. Chia seeds are an excellent source of fiber and polyunsaturated fats. A tablespoon has 70 calories, 6 grams of fiber, 3 grams of protein, 4.5 grams of fat and 7 grams of carbohydrates. They contain healthy "ALA" fats that may help reduce the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.How to eat them: Chia seeds add a crunchy texture and nutty flavor to foods. Sprinkle them on cereal, salads or yogurt. They can also be mixed into baked goods or smoothies.For more smoothie ideas, check out Appetite for Health's mix-n-match smoothie recipe chart.More from U.S. News:In Pictures: 10 Healthy Desserts -- and They're Tasty, TooHealthy Red-Meat Substitutes You'll LoveEmpower Your Diet With AntioxidantsFlickr photo by little blue hen (credit:Flickr: little blue hen)

All 59 participants were then asked to complete the same virtual shopping test that was used in the second experiment.

Participants who were given the milk labeled "healthy and wholesome" selected more healthy foods in the virtual grocery test than people in either of the other two groups.

This finding may indicate that what influences shoppers behaviour after consuming a sample is not the actual healthiness of the sample, but its perceived healthiness, the authors concluded.

Eating an apple before hitting the supermarket may not be the only way to improve the content of your basket.

HuffPost Healthy Living previously asked nutrition experts for their tips on how to complete the weekly shop in a healthier way.

"Know your grocery store and go with a list of healthy foods in the order they are laid out," Elizabeth Ward recommended.

"That will help you resist temptation, and it speeds up shopping because you're not wasting time cruising the aisles for what you need."

Vandana Sheth, another expert, suggested you should always do the weekly shop just after you've eaten.

She said: "Do not attempt to grocery shop when you are hungry, as you will be surprised at the significant number of impulse buys in your cart."