ASBO For Unborn Baby!

ASBO For Unborn Baby!

An unborn baby has been slapped with an anti social behaviour order (ASBO).

Mum-to-be Charlotte Childs, 33, was astounded when she opened the letter ordering her to attend a meeting to discuss her son's unruly behaviour.

The correspondence even referred to the unborn baby by one of the NAMES she and her husband Damien, 29, have chosen for him!

Speaking to the Mirror, Mrs Childs said:

'The letter said there had been an incident of anti-social behaviour and our child was identified.

'I would love to know how a 36-week-old foetus has managed to go to the park and cause trouble without me noticing.

'I find the whole thing hilarious, especially as I'm this close to having my first child.'

So do we!

What do you think?

Have you ever received a funny official letter about - or perhaps to - your baby?

Maybe calls for jury service, or speeding fines?

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