Latest Assassin's Creed Unity Footage: Evolution AND Revolution

Latest Assassin's Creed Footage: Evolution AND Revolution

Assassin's Creed Unity (erstwhile known as Assassin's Creed 5) is shaping up to be a glorious revolution (and evolution) in the series.

Set in Paris in 1789, it's a full-on romp through the glory days (and gory days) of the birth of French democracy, and the death of most of France's greatest proto-democrats.

And this time you won't be alone. The latest videos and previews make it very clear that this is a game intended to be played with other people. CVG writes in its preview:

"Up to four players can take part in these and the difficulty for each mission increases in line with the number of players taking part. According to the developers, each player will control the game's protagonist - Arno Victor Dorian - but his appearance can be customised to help players differentiate from one another."

They also write that combat is more challenging in this version - and that stealth is more important than ever.

We've collected everything you need to know in the preview above. The game is out October 28 2014 on PS4, Xbox One and PC.