Baby Boy Survives Being Catapulted Out Of A Car Onto The Motorway

Baby Boy Survives Being Catapulted Out Of A Car Onto The Motorway

A baby boy is being hailed a miracle after he survived being catapulted out of his parents' car at 70mph on the M6.

Six-week-old Jonathan Samuel was travelling in the car with his parents when a tyre blew.

The car spun six times before crashing into the central reservation of the motorway near Wigan, according to the Sunday Mirror.

Jonathan's car seat flew out of the window and bounced along the fast lane before the baby slid out of the seat.

His mum Sadaf, 23, told the Mirror: "I was asleep but woke to feel the car spinning around and the door flapping open and shut. I looked to my side and saw the car seat had gone and started shouting, 'Where is my baby?'"

The baby's dad, Oliver, 31, told the newspaper he got out of the car and started desperately looking for his son. "I was screaming because I expected to find parts of him and see blood. I was looking for his body," he said.

Then when he found the empty car seat, he feared the worst. ""It was like a nightmare getting worse, it was agony," said Oliver. "Our baby was gone."

Then he heard crying and spotted the tiny baby lying in the outside lane - without a scratch on him.

Sadaf told the Mirror: "I just grabbed the baby, bracing myself for what I might see. But there wasn't a scratch. He was distressed but as soon as I cuddled him he fell asleep."

They called for emergency help and an ambulance took Jonathan to be checked out at the Royal Albert Edward Infirmary in Wigan.

Medical staff reported that he was "fit and well, alert and happy," according to the Mirror, and allowed him home a few hours later.

The newspaper reports that medical staff wrote on a note: "Jonathan is an extremely lucky little boy."

Source: Sunday Mirror