Baby Names Inspired By Vampire Film

Baby Names Inspired By Vampire Film

American parents seem to be inspired by a blood-sucking vampire when it comes to naming their children, new figures show.

The hit film Twilight appears to have had a major influence on the popularity of some names.

The main character, Edward Cullen, played by British actor Robert Pattinson, has had a particularly big effect.

The fastest-rising name for boys in the USA in 2009 was Cullen - and that surely has to be down to the film.

The major female character in the film, which has taken billions of dollars at the box office, is Isabella, played by Kristen Stewart.

Isabella has now taken the top spot in the list of girls' names in the USA, overtaking Emma, and the shortened version, Bella, is at number 58.

The list published by the US Social Security Administration shows that Jacob remains the most popular boys' name - it's also the name of a werewolf in Twilight.

The White House also appears to have been an inspiration for parents, with Maliyah, a variation on the name of President Barack Obama's daughter Malia, becoming the fastest-rising name for girls, moving up 342 spots to 296th place.

Malia also rose 153 places to number 192, rising 153 spots, while Sasha, the name of Obama's younger daughter, also shot up the list 101 places to number 261.

However the name Barack is still not very popular - it did move up 431 places but is still only the 1,993rd most popular boys' name - 1,200 places behind Bo, the First Dog...

"Before the president came on the scene, Barack was at the absolute bottom of the list, and it does take a while usually to move up," Social Security Commissioner Michael Astrue told the Telegraph.

"But most politicians will take an increase, however they get it."

Would you name your baby after a vampire? Or a politician?...

Source: Daily Telegraph