Backstage Beauty: House Of Holland

Backstage Beauty: House Of Holland

Photo: David Fisher/Rex Features

MAKEUP: Lucia Pica at Mac

HAIR: Shay Dempsey at Sebastian Professional

SNAPSHOT: South beach Miami with a touch of Girl Scout and generous pinch of Brooke Shields circa Blue Lagoon

THE SCOOP: Models had a St Tropez spray tan for a "sundrenched, almost powdered finish," explains Pica. With a young Brooke Shields the pinup girl for makeup, the focus was on blusher and exaggerated – but perfectly groomed – eyebrows. As for hair, 70s glamour ruled – but worn by real women. "We wanted the girls to look like they'd done it themselves," explains Sebastian's Shay Demsey, "so our approach to the hair was really old school with lots of hair spray and tongs.

GET THE LOOK MAKEUP: "Eyebrows were brushed upwards with wax worked through them, and then filled in," explains Pica. "Then we've curled the lashed and used brown mascara, and then applied a touch of Vaseline on the eyelids and lips. On the cheeks, Pica used Mac's Mineralize Skinfinish powder in Medium Dark was brush lightly all over the face, with Dusky Coral and Neo-Orange Mac Pigment mixed and applied to bridge of the nose and on the cheeks.

GET THE LOOK HAIR: "Just blow dry the hair applying Zero Gravity hairspray", explains Dempsey, "then grab some medium-width tongs and take big, bold sections so that hair has a bounce and a wave".