6 Reasons Why You Should Consider S&M Sex

'Desire thrives on danger, tension and the forbidden.'

Fancy venturing outside your comfort zone within the four walls of your bedroom? Well we have some good news for you, S&M sex has been shown to have positive health benefits

S&M is shorthand for sadomasochism, meaning the giving or receiving of pleasure from acts involving the receipt or infliction of pain or humiliation.

Tracey Cox, sex expert, told The Huffington Post UK: “Anything that moves couples out of their comfort zone is a very good thing, in my book.” 

Here are 6 reasons why you should really consider giving it a go. 

It has psychological benefits. 

A new study has revealed that S&M or bondage can bring about the ‘flow’ in your brain - an altered state of mind where you are totally absorbed in the task, and the brain is at its most productive and creative. 

It could kick-start your relationship. 

Tracey Cox advises partners who feel their relationship has gone a bit stale between the sheets to try S&M: “The more couples move away from predictable, routine sex that doesn’t challenge them the better. Think back to the best sex in your life. Is it the sex you had in bed with your husband at 11pm on a Saturday night? I doubt it. 

“A mild form of S&M could be just what you need to kick yourselves back into the type of sex you had at the start.”

You don’t know what you like until you try it. 

No one ever discovered a fetish by having sex in the missionary position all their life. And if you don’t enjoy it, you never have to do it again. Easy. 

It could change things outside of the bedroom. 

If you’re feeling that the power in your relationship has shifted, kinky sex might help to readdress the balance in all aspects. “It’s a form of role-play so helps you escape into fantasy land and of course it’s all about power,” says Cox.

“Switching power roles - swapping who is normally the one who makes the moves and who is more submissive - is an extremely effective way to shake things up."

It fuels desire. 

Your relationship might be full of love, but sometimes you want more than that to keep it exciting: “Love and desire are fuelled by very different things. Love thrives on comfort, routine and safety. Desire thrives on danger, tension and the forbidden,” says Cox.