11 Reasons Why You Should Consider Sleeping Naked

11 Reasons Why You Should Sleep Naked

Do you sleep sans pyjamas? Or are you more comfortable smothered in the finest silk PJs?

If you're the latter, we're on a quest to turn you to the dark (/naked) side with a selection of fascinating facts as to why you should ditch your jammies and sleep in the buff. It really is good for you.

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Pyjamas are overrated anyway...

How much, on average, do you spend on a single set of pyjamas? £20-£40? More? And how often you wash them? Now think to yourself 'imagine how much money/time I could save by not wearing PJs?'

Revolutionary, huh? We thought so too.

Body bonding with Oxytocin

Naturopathic Doctor, Natasha Turner blogged for Huff Post Canada revealing that when you're in the buff and sleeping next to your partner, your body releases a feel-good hormone called oxytocin.

This occurs through skin to skin touching and can help alleviate stress and depression - who knew? You can also thank oxytocin for reducing blood pressure, improving gut motility and decreasing intestinal inflammation. Plus, your sex life might just improve...

Drift into a deeper sleep

Did you know that certain types of insomnia are associated with the faulty regulation of body temperature? The Los Angeles Sleep Study Institute reports that this not only affects your sleep cycle, but also inhibits you from drifting into a deep sleep.

Sleeping naked helps to regulate body temperature (so you don't overheat - there's nothing worse than waking up a sweaty mess) meaning you'll be sleeping like a log in no time.

Stay youthful

Continuing on the theme of regulating body temperature, if you want to get your beauty sleep then Natasha Turner suggests to keep your temperature below 21˚C when you're in bed. The way to do that? Yep, you guessed it - sleep naked.

This allows anti-aging hormones and melatonin - a regulator of the body’s sleep wake cycle and antioxidant/free radical hunter - to function properly. *Throws clothes off*

You'll feel liberated

Lying there on your bed, wearing nothing but air, feeling free. What could be better?

Encourage happy hormones (and heal)

When you wear clothing to bed (or sleep under heavy blankets), you're preventing the release of growth hormone (HGH). This means you won't burn fat while you sleep or benefit from the night-time repair of your bones, skin and muscles.

Sleeping naked also regulates cortisol levels, which is kind of essential if you want to avoid: weakened immunity, raised blood pressure and/or cholesterol, increased appetite, disrupted sleep patterns, lowered libido, increased cravings for sugars and carbs, and aggravated PMS - amongst other things.

Boost self esteem

If you have body confidence issues then sleeping naked might just help you learn to love yourself. Start to become accustomed to how you look by sleeping without bed clothes each evening. Over time, you should become used to how your body looks without clothes, and hey, you might even learn to love how good you look. Just give it a try!

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Foods That Help You Sleep
Cherries(01 of10)
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Cherries naturally boost levels of melatonin (a naturally occurring hormone that helps regulate the sleep cycle), so try ditching your sleeping pills for a glass of tart cherry juice before hitting the hay. (credit:Brian Macdonald via Getty Images)
Dark Chocolate(02 of10)
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Alongside its other health benefits, dark chocolate can help you to get a good night’s sleep too. Nutritionist Cynthia Pasquella says that it contains serotonin, which relaxes your body and mind. (credit:Jacek Nowak via Getty Images)
Almonds(03 of10)
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Just a handful of almonds will help you to doze off in the evening. "Almonds are a winner,” says Jacob Teitelbaum, author of the bestselling book From Fatigued to Fantastic! “They contain magnesium, which promotes both sleep and muscle relaxation," he says. (credit:Daniel Grill via Getty Images)
Camomile Tea(04 of10)
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Swap your evening caffeine fix for a cup of camomile tea. Drinking this herbal tea will help you get your snooze on faster, as it lacks the caffeine most teas have and is associated with an increase of glycine, a chemical that relaxes nerves and muscles. (credit:Maximilian Stock Ltd. via Getty Images)
Kale(05 of10)
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Kale is not only good for your health and diet, but will help you get your beauty sleep too. Loaded with calcium, green leafy vegetables help the brain use tryptophan to manufacture melatonin and serotonin - while keeping your diet in check too. (credit:jrwasserman via Getty Images)
Honey(06 of10)
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Try adding honey to your tea before bed time. It contains natural sugar that slightly raises insulin levels and allows tryptophan (an amino-acid that makes us sleepy) to enter the brain more easily. (credit:rvbox via Getty Images)
Walnuts(07 of10)
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Walnuts are a good source of tryptophan, a sleep-enhancing amino acid that helps make serotonin and melatonin, the “body clock” hormone that sets your sleep-wake cycles, according to the NHS. (credit:The Washington Post via Getty Images)
Bananas(08 of10)
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Bananas contain the sleep-inducing amino acid tryptophan, which promotes relaxation. Saundra Dalton-Smith, author of Set Free to Live Free: Breaking Through the 7 Lies Women Tell Themselves says: “Bananas are an excellent source of magnesium and potassium, which help to relax overstressed muscles." (credit:James Ross via Getty Images)
Oily fish(09 of10)
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Most oily fish (especially tuna and salmon) boast vitamin B6, which is needed to make melatonin, so a nice tuna salad or salmon dish could just make you drift off more easily. (credit:Iain Bagwell via Getty Images)
Jasmine Rice(10 of10)
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Jasmine rice has a high glycemic index, so the body digests it as a slow speed, releasing glucose gradually into the bloodstream. It also boosts the production of tryptophan and serotonin so eating it will significantly reduce the time it takes you to fall asleep. (credit:MIB Pictures via Getty Images)

Maintain healthy sex organs

Ladies, did you know that you can reduce problems such as yeast infections simply by sleeping naked? You'll be reducing yeast production, as it thrives in moist environments, and your vagina will most definitely thank you for it.

Meanwhile, guys can also benefit from sleeping in the buff as testes are kept at an adequate temperature - thus, fertility is increased! Thank us later.

Circulation improves

There's nothing worse than an elastic waistline cutting off your circulation. And as for elastic ankle cuffs... well, pfft! Remove unwanted elastic clothing and you've got yourself a happy flow of blood around your body.

Super duper skin!

Let's face it: when you're naked, your skin gets a chance to really breathe. If you've got body acne (or even just a few spots on your back) then it might be worth allowing some oxygen to get to those problem areas. Your skin deserves a bit of freeedom, and you'll feel better for it.

Don't be a sloth

Another perk of sleeping naked is that once you're awake, you're more inclined to get dressed for the day ahead rather than slobbing around in your PJs. Goodbye sloth, hello human being. Yay!