Boris Johnson Backs Couple Whose Children Cycle To School Unsupervised

Boris Johnson Backs Couple Whose Children Cycle To School Unsupervised

Following on from the story yesterday about the couple threatened with social services after letting their children cycle to school, it has been revealed that Boris Johnson has leapt to their defence.

The London Mayer labelled the health and safety rules as 'barmy', and hailed the couple as 'heroes'. The couple came under fire after it was revealed that they let their five and eight-year-old children cycle the mile-long journey to school without parental supervision.

Teachers and parents at Alleyn's Junior School in Dulwich have reported Oliver and Gillian Schonrock to the headteacher, who bought the couple in to warn them that he has a legal obligation to contact social services if he feels a child's health or safety is at risk.

Speaking in his column in the Telegraph, the London Mayor said "They have taken the sword of common sense to the great bloated encephalopathic sacred cow of elf and safety"

'And for this effrontery they are, of course, being persecuted by the authorities.'

He believes it is ultimately the business of parents, not the state, when it came to decisions such as this.

Source: Daily Mail