Botox in men is becoming increasingly commonplace. From Cliff Richard to David Hassellhoff, support for the treatment in the male community is such that it's recently been christened with it's own special "man name": Brotox.

Botox in men is becoming increasingly commonplace. From Cliff Richard to David Hassellhoff, support for the treatment in the male community is such that it's recently been christened with it's own special "man name": Brotox.

Brotox has risen over 40% at my treatment centres, Courthouse Clinics, over the past year, with up to one in five patients now male. What was once considered a procedure predominantly for women has seen a huge surge in popularity amongst men, and the reasons reflect some fascinating insights into our changing values.

Based on anecdotal evidence from my team, I believe that one of the main motives for men pursuing treatment is the economy. There is a collective consciousness that suggests looking younger and healthier could enhance career prospects, particularly in industries where staff are youthful, such as advertising. We see many city traders seeking Botox, too.

Patients have explained how job interviews are easier to navigate with the added boost of appearing younger and more energetic. Peter Andre has gone on record to say he gets Botox annually, and Simon Cowell and Gordon Ramsey also pluck for the anti-wrinkle treatment so that they are camera-ready.

Divorce is also a leading contributing factor. High separation and divorce rates are bringing more men onto the market, and they want to improve their chances. Data from our patients shows treatments such as Botox increases their confidence, mood, and self-esteem.

I regularly have Botox myself, so I'm speaking as one of the converted. I recently wrote about the link between Botox and the cure for depression, outlining the data indicating how Botox can improve the way Botox patients feel about themselves. In 2009 my study on this featured in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, outlining research I undertook with Dr. Michael Lewis, and supports what my staff at the clinics are noting: Botox helps many people to stay positive, especially about their futures as they age.

Botox uses Botulinum Toxin A on frown lines of the face, paralysing the muscles responsible for anything up to six months. The result is a smoother, less-lined forehead, making patients look markedly younger as wrinkles "disappear".

Men with jobs where stress lead to excessive sweating also seem to be turning to Botox injections to help. Those with primary idiopathic hyperhidrosis, where there is no perceptible underlying cause of sweating, like diabetes or a thyroid problem, can often find solution in Botox around the underarm area. Again, city traders aren't embarrassed to ask for treatment, and emergency doctors and healthcare professionals also frequently request more information. Will Young leads the way in terms of celebs who have had the treatment.

One of the most attractive reasonings behind Botox as an anti-aging treatment is that side effects are very mild. Some treatments can cause headaches, but most inflammation and soreness is short-lived and barely noticeable. The chances of anyone at the office noticing that a patient has undergone treatment are very slim- most come back for repeat procedures, every four to six months, and tell us that colleagues only note that they suddenly seem brighter eyed and "fresh".

Botox isn't the reserve of females anymore, and the exciting thing is that men aren't shy about admitting it.