Boy Attends School In Australia After Volcanic Ash Cloud Halts Return To UK

Boy Attends School In Australia After Volcanic Ash Cloud Halts Return To UK

A nine-year-old boy from Hartlepool enrolled in a school in Wollongong, New South Wales, after missing out on so much education thanks to the Icelandic volcanic ash cloud.

James Butterworth flew out to Australia with his mother Jackie at the beginning of April to visit his aunt. However, due to the ash cloud and further flight backlog, the family have been stuck in the country. Rather than spending the extended holiday soaking up the sun or enjoying a spot of surfing, James has been attending school with his cousin Madeline Sweeting.

The boy had already missed a large chunk of school after breaking his leg skiing at the start of the year. Luckily, his aunt is a teacher, who was able to temporarily enrol him in the local school.

James has already made some good friends in the ten days he's spent at the school, and has adapted to the school schedule quickly. He's even been featured in The Illawarra Mercury, the local newspaper, with his class.

However, James is now looking forward to returning home to see his friends and family. The pair will be able to catch a flight tomorrow, where James will return to his school in the UK.

At least he'll have some interesting holiday tales to tell!

Source: Daily Mail