Carole Middleton Braves The Rain At Royal Ascot Ladies' Day

Carole Middleton Braves The Rain At Royal Ascot Ladies' Day

Chic in champagne: Carole Middleton joins the Queen in the Ladies' Day Royal procession. Photos:PA

It might not have been the best of weather today, but Carole Middleton was one of the many race-goers to brave the rain and and don their finery for Royal Ascotthe Queen and Prince Philip, Princess Beatrice and Princess Anne among others in the royal procession.

But what with this being Ascot's 300th anniversary, Carole is of course not the only famous face we've spotted enjoying the races this year...

Click on our gallery below to see which other stars we've seen, plus all the marvellous millinery on offer.

It really is a feast for the eyes!

But first, let us know what you think of Carole's Ascot attire:

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