Coppafeel! And MyDaily Create Literal Boobtube

Coppafeel! And MyDaily Create Literal Boobtube

Go on, CoppaFeel - it could save your life! Photo: David Parry/PA

Kris Hallenga wrote an inspirational piece as part of our International Women's Day coverage on her mission to prevent late detection or misdiagnosis of breast cancer in young women.

Indeed, it was so inspirational MyDaily teamed up with Kris and her charity CoppaFeel! for an awareness campaign on Thursday 31 March (National Cleavage Day) as part of AOL's 30-Day Service Challenge.

We took to the streets of London in boob costumes to spread the CoppaFeel! message (knowing your boobs could save your life). You might also have seen us at central London underground stations during your morning commute - it was a literal 'boobtube'!

Just your average commute - nothing to see here! Photo: David Parry/PA

You can find out more by using the hashtag #boobtube and by following Coppafeel! and MyDaily on Twitter, plus we'll be putting pics up on our Facebook page - don't forget to tweet #boobtube if you saw us!

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