Dad Threatened With Arrest Over School Play Photos

Dad Threatened With Arrest Over School Play Photos

A dad has told how he was threatened with arrest if he took photographs of his daughter in her school nativity play.

Lee Ingram, 40, says he is speaking out about the incident to alert other parents to the over stringent rules many schools are implementing on photography.

Mr Ingram said he had warned the school in advance that he would be breaking their 'no photos' rules and taking pictures of his daughter in her play.

He was then met by police upon his arrival at Imperial Avenue Infant School in Braunston, Leicestershire, and told he would be arrested for breach of the peace if he took any photographs. The school told him the ban was in place to protect pupils who may be adopted or in foster care.

Official guidelines recommend parents should be allowed to take photographs of their children on stage, yet Imperial Avenue Infant School's policy is only to allow parents to take snaps after the performance.

Mr Ingram said yesterday that this practice was 'demonising' parents and causing them to miss out on recording milestones in their childrens' lives. The incident took place in 2007 but the school's policy remains.

He told reporters: 'People sometimes laugh at you for saying that we are living in a police state, but we are. It's a completely normal thing for a parent to want to take photos of their child's nativity play. It's simply not on to call the police - that's taking it way too far.'

The school's headteacher, Jenny Pickering said the school's policy was put in place to accommodate the wishes of those parents who did not want pictures to be taken of their children, as well as those who did want to take photos.

She said: 'We have a policy at school and we're trying to have an amenable situation, taking into account the fact that there are also vulnerable children at the school.'

What do you think? Over-reaction or valid protection of children?

Does your school have a 'no photos' policy?