Dannii's Festive Film Picks

Dannii's Festive Film Picks

Photo: PA

Hailing from a land where the cry: "he's behind you" is more likely to mean that you're trapped in a dodgy Christmas party conga line than watching Paul O'Grady get his Dame on in The Mayflower's Aladdin, my entertainment of choice at this time of year comes courtesy of the silver screen.

There's nothing like a trip to the movies to get me into the holiday mood right now and I've got my eye on two films – Burlesque and Little Fockers.

I really hope Burlesque lives up to its potential because with its spectacular cast it has the makings of a sequin-spangled hit! I absolutely love Cher – she is such an icon and simply beautiful – and we had Christina Aguilera on The X Factor a couple of weeks ago and she blew me away with her voice.

But this year's 'Christmas Cracker' HAS to be Little Fockers. I am a fan of the whole series and, now being new parents, Kris and I are booking seats at Village Gold Class with my parents to see this one (we're talking super-comfy recliners and champagne and popcorn delivered to our seats - mmmmmmmm).

The closest thing I've found to Village Gold Class in the UK is Firmdale Hotels' Weekend Film Club with a choice of classic movie, opera or ballet screenings and lunch, a champagne afternoon tea, or dinner thrown in.

Then there's the movie-watching session I'd like to think we all indulge in on Christmas night – crashed out on the couch trying to digest our 'food babies' after a long day of festive excess.

Here are the favourite films I'll be hoping to find on TV this Christmas. Warning...my taste is eclectic (to say the least).

Madagascar and Madagascar 2

Sacha Baron Cohen plays King Julian and cracks me up so much. I have lost count of how many times I have watched these movies now. Is it wrong that I sometimes find myself doing the King Julian voice???

The Wizard of Oz

Judy Garland will live on forever through this film. Her talent, innocence and vulnerability are divine. I can't wait to watch this film with Ethan. I wonder if he will be as scared of the Wicked Witch as I was when I first saw it?


The movie that made me want to sing and dance. Olivia Newton-John played the perfect goodie-goodie girl Sandy alongside Stockard Channing – my all-time favourite bad-girl Rizzo, and last but not least John Travolta who could make me melt with one look!

A Muppet Christmas Carol

I grew up watching The Muppet Show and I am sad that it's not on these days. Jim Henson created characters that were perfect because they all had imperfections that you fell in love with.

It's A Wonderful Life

I have to admit I haven't ever seen this one yet, but it's the Christmas movie everyone talks about and is definitely on my list this year. (It's on at Firmdale's Covent Garden Hotel on Christmas Eve).

I'd love to hear your favourite Christmas movies and also local cinemas that are special to you. Where are the best popcorn hangouts in the UK? Dx