This Period Fact Has Unlocked New Nightmares For Me

Ah, lovely.
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Patricio Nahuelhual via Getty Images

If you’ve ever had a period, you’ll know that they can be a little rough. Some people experience cramps, mood swings, and even acne ― but it turns out that some people may experience more intense menses that most of us have never heard of.

In a recent TikTok, Dr. Karan Raj shared what he called a “period glitch.” He Stitched a video of another creator who said that “a piece of uterine lining the size of the palm of my hand just came out” of her. 

“This glitch is the body’s version of a biological arts and crafts project,” the doctor explained. 

So ― what’s going on here?

Dr. Raj explains that the uterine lining, which is shed during periods along with blood and mucus, is shaped like the inside of the womb when intact ― which makes sense, as this is its mould.

Usually, it’s broken up and gradually released over a couple of days. This is your period, and you shouldn’t experience clots larger than a grape during this time. You’ll not really have any clue as to what the lining would have looked like when whole.

However, sometimes, the lining is released all at once ― this is a decidual cast, Dr. Raj explains. This is when “the body ejects the entire membrane lining of the uterine cavity ― the endometrium ― in one big dump.”

Is passing a decidual cast dangerous?

Most of the time, it’s not, Dr. Raj says ― but “it can be extremely painful.” 

That’s because, in order to pass tissue that large, the womb must dilate ― and to push it out, larger amounts of the cramp-inducing prostaglandin hormone must come into play. 

“We don’t really know why it happens,” Dr. Raj says. “but it is important to take a pregnancy test after passing a decidual cast since pregnancy loss can cause similar symptoms.” 

It may also help to take a pregnancy test as decidual casts are associated with ectopic pregnancies, which happen when a fertilised egg implants outside of the womb.

You should see your doctor immediately if you suspect an ectopic pregnancy, as these can be very dangerous

Ah, the joys of womb ownership...