11 DIY Cheats That Even A Child Could Do

If A Child Can Do These DIY Tricks, So Can You!
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Peathegee Inc via Getty Images

We’ve all got those little household niggles – things that need fixing, jazzing up, ripping out or replacing. But they stay on our to-do list because although as a nation we love our DIY shows, most of us aren’t confident that our own skills are up to the challenge. The good news is: many basic DIY jobs are so easy even a child could manage them.

“When you take away the acronym, it can sound quite harsh, can’t it? Do it yourself!” observes Michelle Hinckley from 4 Men 1 Lady. “No one is going to help you. You’re on your own!”

“But it’s not as complicated as some people might have led you to believe. Most of the tricks you can do to liven up your house are as easy as they are fun.”

Nor does it have to be expensive. “It isn’t about filling your home with expensive furniture and accessories,” says Natalie Pirveysian from Crème de

la Craft. “You can decorate your home to make it look every bit as glamorous as they do in magazines spreads and on Pinterest using things picked up at garage sales, cast-offs and junk that can be turned into your own unique treasures.”

“The key to a DIY design cheat's success,” says Maxwell Ryan of Apartment Therapy, “is making sure that it doesn't actually look like a cheat.”

So how do you do it? Easy. Like all good cheats, you simply copy those who know what they’re doing.

Says Michelle: “Anything you need to make your interior look prettier, or to ensure the things around the house make life easier for you, it’s more than likely there’s a blog or a video tutorial offering you a step-by-step guide detailing how it’s done.”

And in case you can’t quite follow an instruction, just ask a child…