Face Yoga Acupressure Techniques for Younger Skin

There are many acupressure points which have anti- ageing and wellbeing benefits. The following points are not only effective at promoting younger looking skin but I believe can help with specific health issues as well.

Acupressure is an ancient Chinese and Indian system of applying pressure to specific points on your body and face. When a point is pressed it can have many benefits:

•Increases blood flow and oxygen to the area which gives a younger and more relaxed appearance.

•Helps to clean the facial lymph system which removes toxins and therefore reduces bloating or bags under the eyes.

•Stimulates the underlying collagen and elastin of the face which can help to plump and firm, reducing lines and wrinkles.

•Frees up any blockages in energy. This is a subtle 'energy' which is known as 'chi' or 'prana'. The benefits of this can be seen and felt in the face and the head as well as the rest of the body and the mind. This is hard to measure but can be described as a feeling of 'wellbeing' or 'clarity'.

There are many acupressure points which have anti- ageing and wellbeing benefits. The following points are not only effective at promoting younger looking skin but I believe can help with specific health issues as well.

Use your index finger(s) to hold each point for between 20- 50 seconds. Start with gentle pressure and then gradually build up. If possible aim to feel for a pulse. This is an indication that the energy is now flowing freely. Then lightly massage this point in a clockwise direction for 20 seconds and then an anti clockwise direction for 20 seconds. The cycle can be repeating twice more if needed.

•Midway between the eyebrows - calms the mind, reduces headaches, helps insomnia and anxiety.

•In the middle of the eyebrows directly above the pupils - helps eye problems, frontal headache and migraines.

•On the outer end of each eyebrow (temples) - reduces headaches, stress, eye diseases and sore eyes.

•On the edge of the inner orbit of each eye socket - helps eye diseases, sore eyes, eye strain, insomnia and headaches.

•Next to the bridge of your nose on both sides - clears nasal congestion, sinusitis and rhinitis.

•Either side of your nostrils - reduces bags under the eyes and clears nasal congestion, sinusitis and rhinitis.

•On the midline directly below your nose - revival point after fainting or shock, and good for helping nausea.

Practice these points daily for best results.

For more information on Face Yoga, visit www.faceyogaexpert.com