Festival Fashion Without The Portaloos

Festival Fashion Without The Portaloos

You know it's summer when the Big Brother, Wimbledon and Glastonbury fest is under way. What's more, you know it's a British summer when it rains cats and dogs at Wimbo and Glasto. Tick!

Glastonbury makes me feel old. I've never even been, can you believe, and yet still it makes me feel old. I watch it on the TV and all I can see are wall-to-wall beautiful young girls, skinny as broke students on a diet of fags, flitting about in the latest floral frocks, legs in Hunter wellies slim as garden canes in plant pots. I used to have legs like that, when I was six.

This year has been no exception. It rained, of course, but somehow the pretty young things just looked all the more, well, pretty and young, soaked to the skin in the latest floral frock and wellies. I know, I know, I shouldn't care less, but cripes, I am now officially old enough to be their mother, I look crap in the rain, and it hurts!I am also now officially about to be a mother for the first time, fingers crossed (December 1st due date), and I'm at that point where I don't recognise the body I'm in. Formerly a size 8, I'm absolutely loving my new round shape, and wouldn't swap it for the world.

And guess what, I've found this floral maternity frock at TopShop, with more than a dash of Glasto about it. You'll have change from £30, and a flavour of Festival spirit without having to queue for a blocked-up Portaloo with Ophelia, 19, from Buckinghamshire and her 50 Bambi-like besty mates. That's got to be worth it.

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