Four In 10 Domestic Violence Victims Are Men

Four In 10 Domestic Violence Victims Are Men

Four out of ten victims of domestic violence are men, a report claimed yesterday.

But it added that men who complain of being attacked at home are often ignored by police who prefer to believe that a woman is the real victim.

The study by the Parity campaign group based its assessment of the number of male victims of domestic violence on Home Office statistics and the British Crime Survey.

It said that the average proportion of male domestic violence victims was 40 per cent.

The charity report added that more than 41,000 men were prosecuted for domestic violence in 2008/09 but only 2,700 women.

More than half the male victims of domestic violence suffer injury.

The report comes amid protests over the latest guidelines published by the Judicial Studies Board, the body responsible for training judges.

Its revamped court manual states that domestic violence 'consists mainly of violence by men against women'.

Mark Brooks, of the ManKind campaign group, which supports male victims of domestic violence, said: 'For a document that claims to be about gender equality, it leaves the impression that male victims are seen as second class.'