Garden Camp Girl Mauled By Fox

Garden Camp Girl Mauled By Fox

A 13-year-old girl has been bitten by a fox whilst camping in her back garden.

Bethany Blackburn was sleeping out with two friends when the animal attacked. The schoolgirl was rushed to hospital after the fox tore a hole in her tent and mauled her foot, leaving her soaked in blood and screaming in pain.

The attack, which happened in Long Ditton, Surrey, comes just weeks after nine-month old twins Lola and Isabella Koupparis suffered 'life-changing' injuries after a fox pounced as they slept in their cots in East London.

Bethany, who was discharged from hospital after treatment for bite wounds, told reporters the fox had been hanging around the garden all evening and even clawing at the tent: 'The next thing I felt was something biting my foot. It clamped its jaws down and bit through my sock into my heel and the top of my foot. It was so painful, I was shaking with fear. There was blood everywhere. We didn't know what to do.'

Her mother, Melanie, 34, added: ' I heard about the two babies who were attacked by a fox, but I didn't pay too much attention to it. I always thought that foxes were not dangerous. But now I'm frightened to let my children out in the garden.'

What do you think? Are our children in real danger from fox attacks? Are you taking extra precautions?

Previous fox stories on Parentdish: Twins mauled by fox