Gossip Girl Custody War Gets Worse

Gossip Girl Custody War Gets Worse

I'm feeling it for Gossip Girl star Kelly Rutherford, aka Lily van der Woodson, this week.

Kelly gave birth to a healthy girl called Helena Grace on Monday night, as reported earlier here on ParentDish.co.uk. All happy and good so far. The thing is, she's midway through a horrendous divorce and custody war for her first child. That's tough going, don't you think?

Last year, Kelly separated from her husband, German entrepreneur Daniel Giersch. However, in May, the 40-year-old actress accused Giersch of putting their son Hermes in danger by not putting a cover on his swimming pool. She hired a private detective to film his home in order to find that out! They are also allegedly claiming acts of physical threat against each other.

Seriously, it's awful isn't it? Both want sole custody of Hermes, with monitored visitation. Can you imagine giving birth to another child knowing you're heading straight for the same battle?It's tough for both parents, but now it's getting worse. Giersch, 34, is claiming he heard about the birth on the internet because no one bothered to tell him. In a statement to the press – because that's how bad things have got – Giersch is reported to have said: "Media reports claiming that I neglected to attend my daughter's birth are total lies and fabrication.

"I was never informed by Kelly about the birth of our daughter, nor was I invited to attend. In fact, I found out about it through Internet reports like everyone else. Although this sickens me, I am of course overjoyed that our baby was born healthy.

"I would've wanted nothing more than to hold our newborn daughter for a few moments, and I only seek to co-parent both our children responsibly and with love."

Seriously, it's amazing to think that these two people had sex only nine months ago.

Without meaning to sound like Jeremy Kyle, did you have a baby amidst total relationship meltdown? I'd love to hear how it was for you too. This is one topic where it would really help to share your experiences with others that might be going through the same thing – mum or dad. It sounds so horribly stressful!