Am I Too Old for Trick or Treating?

Sure I can't go knocking on neighbours doors asking for candy anymore (that'd be a bit weird wouldn't it?) I can look out for halloween themed events. Which means I still get to wear my fake fangs. Win!

I always loved Halloween when I was little. With a Mum who never let us eat candy during normal times of the year, Halloween was our chance to collect a big enough stash to carry through until Christmas.

My friends and I carried out the Trick or Treating with almost military precision (we were about 10 years old at the time - so maybe we learnt all of the organisation from kiddies TV shows... who knows). We would meet at 4pm, straight after school - to maximise the the trick or treating time - and we'd stay out until our curfew. There was no stopping us.

It was a mixture of excitement (because oh my god, when else do you ever have that much candy as a kid?! But also this secret underground world of candy stashing. All the neighbourhood kids would totally look out for each other, we tell the other kids which houses were giving the best sweets out, which were handing out 50p coins (they were the best kind!) and which 'weren't home'. It was the best night of the year as a child.

Now, as an adult, I spend halloween sat watching TV, dreading the ring of the doorbell - because I forgot to buy anything and I don't want those unforgiving glances from local kids. Even worse - the disdainful glances of their parents - who just want to get home and have a cup of tea and put the kids to bed.

But it's not all lost.

Sure I can't go knocking on neighbours doors asking for candy anymore (that'd be a bit weird wouldn't it?) I can look out for halloween themed events. Which means I still get to wear my fake fangs. Win!

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I've been having a looks around and found a few interesting ones around and about - so take a look....

London Dungeons: Late night special

I'd be way to chicken to go to this (I can't even make it round there in the daytime...!) but for thrill seekers this is a really fun option. Great for tourists too who want to kill two birds with one stone: you can see the dungeons and do something halloweeny.

The old operating theatre in London: scary surgery

This is without a doubt one of the most unusual museums in London, and heading there for halloween isn't for the faint hearted. Expect some gore, this one isn't for the faint hearted!

Mackintosh church: Overnight haunting in Glasgow

Feeling brave? Or even a little bit curious about ghosts? Mackintosh church have invited people to spend the night under their roof on halloween, to see if anyone gets a glimpse of the famous ghost who supposedly lives there. Sounds intriguing!

The Rainbow Haunting: Birmingham

Quirky event space The Rainbow have decided to put on a live spooky, haunting street show on October 26th and it promises to be not only scary, but hugely entertaining too.

Halloween Trail at Stoneleigh Abbey

Don't fancy a totally scary experience, but still want to have some fun and a few laughs? Then this is probably a better option for you! Embrace your inner child, and follow spooky clues to earn a sweet prize.

Drive in scary movies: Glasgow

Glasgow are hosting some amazing drive-in scary movies on halloween in Victoria Park, which has to be much more fun than any regular cinema screening! Perfect for a halloween date? I think so! Such a great alternative too sitting at home and watching those scary movies on the TV!