Handwriting Fail Turns Well-Meaning Christmas Card Into Pure Filth

The word 'work' can resemble something else entirely 👀

Rob Cook’s seemingly innocent Christmas card from his Aunt Lesley and Uncle Roy took a turn for the worse thanks to his aunt’s free-flowing handwriting...

Rob shared a photo of the card on Twitter, stating: “Questionable cursive from my family.”

For those who haven’t spotted it yet, the word ‘work’ is easily misread - giving the message a new and oh-so-risqué meaning.

When Rob told his Aunt about the handwriting situation, she simply replied: “Don’t do either too hard, they’re both bad for you.” Brilliant.

Rob’s tweet has proven popular, receiving hundreds of retweets and almost 4,000 favourites at the time of writing.

It prompted others to share their own (hilarious) experiences of handwriting confusion. Who knew the words ‘fishing’ and ‘fisting’ were so similar?