'I will find inner peace this year', 'I will exercise this year',' 'I will spend more time with my friends this year'... and on the mantra mill goes on. This year I made a resolution to shun New Year's resolutions for the rest of my life. I don't want to be tied down to that level of commitment.

We are currently under the barrage of 'Do-gooder New Year's Resolutions' - you know the ones, fuelled by articles informing us upon how to get our happiness back, then we are totally ripped to shreds by another one making us feel terrible by informing us exactly how many calories are in a glass of wine. Then there are the articles that tell you how you can 'lose weight in an hour just by eating these 24 different foods', how to diet, how to exercise and a list of expensive spas. Yes, it must be January.

'I will find inner peace this year', 'I will exercise this year',' 'I will spend more time with my friends this year'... and on the mantra mill goes on. This year I made a resolution to shun New Year's resolutions for the rest of my life. I don't want to be tied down to that level of commitment, I prefer to come and go as I please. Like a cat. I will turn up when I feel like it and then duly p**s off again when I so choose.

I prefer role models to empty promises. One of my role model is Diana Vreeland. When she was Editor of Vogue in the 1960's she wasn't afraid to put models with a different look on the cover, she discovered Edie Sedgwick and championed diversity within the fashion industry. She was also quite a character, Vreeland painted her office bright red and drank vodka from a silver teapot. That's my kind of girl. There are also the hidden role models within the industry, the behind the scenes people who quietly are on their way to making changes and that is one of my other role models; Angel Sinclair. Through her organisation Models of Diversity, they are slowly changing the face of fashion one campaign at a time. Working alongside big brands and encouraging them to use models of differing shapes and sizes and projecting the image that those healthy, models who are in good shape regardless of height, age, size or ability should and can represent the fashion industry.

I also have a new found appreciation for Tyra Banks, who has teamed up with Special K to promote their latest campaign which encourages people to adopt a sustainable and healthy approach to their shape. I love the way she has constantly stuck two fingers firmly up at the critics who are obsessed with her weight. When a Supermodel is accused of being fat then what hope has the rest of us got? Jennifer Lawrence and Lena Dunham are no strangers to these accusations either. Why? The media love to wave their fat wand and cast a slur upon any unsuspecting celebrity at any time they so desire. We've all been privy to an unflattering photo at some point in our lives so why does playing on our insecurities sell? By showing us these badly posed pictures, they rely on human nature to dictate that by viewing beautiful, successful people failing we will ultimately feel better about our own self-doubt.

So as far as 2014 goes, ignore the media dirge on making anyone and everyone feel bad about themselves, ignore the self-help and slogans, stay healthy, remember the saying 'a little bit of what you fancy does you good', and if 2014 is your year to get fit then make a viable exercise and diet plan. Scratch those resolutions focus less on what others may think. Perhaps we ought to pay attention to people and situations we are actually bothered about and believe in our own abilities rather than being force fed the unachievable.

In the words of Diana Vreeland, 'You don't have to be born beautiful to be wildly attractive'.

Or if you prefer:

In the words of Public Enemy, 'Don't believe the hype'.