Hero Marine Saves Son's Life

Hero Marine Saves Son's Life

Every little boy likes to brag that his dad's a real hero, but for James King Jr. that's one playground argument he's unlikely to ever lose.

While serving his country as a Royal Marine in Afghanistan James King Sr. confirmed his 'world's best dad' status by flying home to save his son's life.

When 3-year-old James urgently needed a kidney transplant, his father rushed home to donate his.

"I've got Daddy's kidney," says little James. "I feel much better now."

James King Jr. has had a kidney condition since birth and has undergone dialysis three times a week whilst he waited on the transplant list for a donor organ.

However, he went on to develop severe peritonitis, a condition where a membrane that lines the abdominal cavity and surrounds the organs in the abdomen becomes inflamed. Which meant his need for a new kidney became urgent.

Doctors determined that his dad provided the best chances of providing a match, so he flew back straight away and when tests confirmed that he was indeed a perfect match, Mr King underwent the transplant procedure.

"Any parent would say yes as soon as you know you're a match," said James King Sr. and his heroism has been rewarded by seeing his little boy transformed. "He is a lot less tired during the day. He has got more energy."

The family are recuperating at home in Yeovile and as an active solider, veteran of three tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, James King Sr. is finding it hard to be sitting at home while he recovers from the operation.

"But it makes it all worthwhile when I am lying in bed in the morning thinking I'm in agony when James comes in and he is more energetic and happy - it's brilliant.'

Although Dad may be down playing his heroics, wife Louise doesn't mind admitting how proud she is.

"He doesn't really talk about it much" she said "but you couldn't ask for a better husband or a better father.'

Bravery and sacrifice can be especially rewarding when it's loved ones who are benefiting. Have you any stories of heroism in your family?