High-Intensity Workouts To Try At Home Including Hip Dips, Jack Knives And Lunges

8 High-Intensity Workouts To Do In Your Living Room

For those who don't want to fork out on a gym membership but still want to stay in shape, look no further.

Amanda Butler, a certified fitness instructor from Fhitting Room fitness studios in New York City, has shared eight high-intensity workouts that you can do in the tiniest of living rooms.

Do these once a day and you'll be toned up in no time.

Hand-release pushups

Strengthens your chest and triceps.

Supermans with lateral pull downs

Sculpts your back and shoulders.

Jack knives

Works your core.


Basically counts as cardio.

Single leg hip dips

Fires up your hamstrings and butt.

Tricep dips with extended leg

Tones your arms.

Split lunges with lateral arm raises

Targets the quads and butt while engaging the arms and shoulders.

180-degree jump squats

Finishes your workout with a nice bit of cardio.

Home Workout Routine: Low-Impact HIIT
Stationary Skater(01 of12)
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A. Stand with feet wider than hip-width apart. Bend right knee into a side lunge, extending left leg and pointing left foot, driving left arm forward and right arm back with elbows bent. This Move: 4 Sets (credit:Jessica Rogers)
Stationary Skater(02 of12)
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B. Staying low in squat position, quickly shift weight to left leg, lowering into a left side lunge, bending left knee and pointing right foot. Swing right arm forward and left arm back. Repeat "skating" from side to side as quickly as possible for 45 seconds. This Move: 4 Sets (credit:Jessica Rogers)
Jump-Free Burpees(03 of12)
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A. Stand tall with feet hip-width apart, arms extended overhead. This Move: 4 Sets (credit:Jessica Rogers)
Jump-Free Burpees(04 of12)
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B. Push hips back and bend knees to lower into a squat. Place hands on the floor and quickly walk feet back into a full plank position. Immediately lower into a pushup. Press up, walk feet back into squat, and return to standing, reaching arms overhead. That's one rep. Repeat as quickly as possible for 45 seconds. This Move: 4 Sets (credit:Jessica Rogers)
Seated Tuck Jumps(05 of12)
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A. Sit on the edge of a sturdy chair or box, leaning back slightly. Pull abs in tight, and bend knees about 90-degrees. Point toes lightly on the floor, and bend elbows and hands in front of shoulders. This Move: 4 Sets (credit:Jessica Rogers)
Seated Tuck Jumps(06 of12)
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B. Quickly lift knees up and lightly tap thighs with hands, sitting upright as you draw legs in. Immediately return to start and repeat as quickly as possible for 45 seconds. Tip: Think 'up' during this movement—try to accent the lift, rather than the lowering, of the legs to work your abs more and help keep your heart rate high. This move: 4 Sets (credit:Jessica Rogers)
Kickin' Plank(07 of12)
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A. Begin in a full plank position with feet hip-width apart. This Move: 4 Sets (credit:Jessica Rogers)
Kickin' Plank(08 of12)
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B. Quickly kick right leg to the left, as left hand reaches toward right foot and torso rotates to the right, pivoting on left foot. Return to start (rotate back to full plank) and repeat on the other side. Continue alternating sides, moving as quickly as possible for 45 seconds. This Move: 4 Sets (credit:Jessica Rogers)
Butterfly Squats(09 of12)
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A. With feet slightly wider than hip width, lower into a squat position with arms extended in front of chest. Place left palm on top of right. This Move: 4 Sets (credit:Jessica Rogers)
Butterfly Squats(10 of12)
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B. Lower arms down by hips in preparation to quickly stand up, reaching arms overhead and lifting heels off the floor. Immediately return to start position and repeat as quickly as possible for 45 seconds. Tip: This move should feel like a squat jump without leaving the floor. Make your movement quick and explosive, but instead of jumping up just lift the heels off the floor. This Move: 4 Sets (credit:Jessica Rogers)
Rising Lunge(11 of12)
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A. Begin in a lunge with left leg forward, arms bent by sides, hands in fists. This Move: 4 Sets (credit:Jessica Rogers)
Rising Lunge(12 of12)
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B. Quickly extend legs and rise up onto balls of feet as arms extend overhead, fingertips reaching to ceiling. Immediately return to start and repeat as quickly as possible for 45 seconds. Repeat on opposite side. Tip:This move should feel like a lunge jump without leaving the floor. Make your movement quick and explosive, but instead of jumping up, just lift the heels off the floor. This Move: 4 Sets (credit:Jessica Rogers)