Hot Or Not: Colin Firth's Christmas Waxwork

Hot Or Not: Colin Firth's Christmas Waxwork

Colin Firth has become the latest celebrity to be immortalised in wax at the London branch of Madame Tussauds and doesn't he look lovely?

Real Colin Firth and Fake Colin Firth. Photos: PA

The museum unveiled their take on Mr Firth this morning, referring to him on Twitter as 'a Christmas treat'

If you're hoping to find a Christmas treat of your own under the tree this year, be warned - a full-sized wax Colin takes four months to complete and costs a slightly wallet-busting £150,000...

Oh, and FYI he's wearing a black textured tuxedo with a bow tie and pocket hanky. Because this is totally a fashion-relevant story and not at all an excuse for the editorial team to look at pictures of Colin Firth and then do a YouTube search for "Mr Darcy lake scene".

Speaking of which: