How To: Detect And Remove Viruses From Your Computer

HuffPost How to: Detect And Remove Viruses From Your Computer

The Problem? You've refreshed Netflix for the sixth time but you're still overwhelmed by a tidal wave of pop-ups and webcam invitations for a casual chat with someone that you're pretty sure, doesn't just want to be friends. Want to rid your computer of these pesky viruses? Here's how...

Viruses can be a nuisance. This is of course an understatement. Viruses are hugely annoying, they're also potentially really dangerous too.

As the Zeus virus scare revealed just a few weeks ago technology has reached a point where a virus can download onto your computer, hunt down your financial files and literally hold them ransom until you pay up.

Now whilst this is an extreme case scenario the everyday risks are still just as prevalent with malware and spyware constantly looking for ways to ruin your Netflix session and steal all your personal data.

Thankfully there's a light at the end of the tunnel, and it doesn't involve constantly clicking away those Microsoft SafeGuard pop-ups that absolutely noone likes.

Our friends over at Howdini have compiled a short easy solution that shows you how to download software that'll do all the hard work for you.

Check out the video above and become pop-up free for all time. Never again shall your marathon session of 'Orange is The New Black' be interrupted by pesky viruses.