How To Tell If You're Officially a Blog Geek

If you are a blogger, you may relate to this. I've been at this blogging malarkey for a bit over two years now. I spent the first year totally clueless over what I was doing (some days I wonder if I'm any the wiser) and am constantly amazed at how much goes into building a successful blog, how much I still have to learn etc. And it's hit me, I think I've become a bit of a blog geek.

If you are a blogger, you may relate to this. I've been at this blogging malarkey for a bit over two years now. I spent the first year totally clueless over what I was doing (some days I wonder if I'm any the wiser) and am constantly amazed at how much goes into building a successful blog, how much I still have to learn etc. And it's hit me, I think I've become a bit of a blog geek.

What do I mean? Well, it's kind of taken over my life because it's something I take seriously and have started to make a bit of money from. Does this sound familiar? Or are you not sure?

Check out the list below and see how many of the bloggy foibles you recognise!

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1. You salivate over a blogger's site design and notice the layout before you notice their posts and you've had more 'I want that bloggers's banner' moments than you care to admit. #NerdyBlogger

2. You scroll to the bottom of sites to see the blog's theme name before actually reading the content. Well actually, you like to play a little private game with yourself (not that kind of private game!) called 'Guess the Theme Name' before you get to the bottom of the screen. #BonkersBlogger

3. Your wedding day/birth of your first child/[insert relevant life event] may have been the proudest moment of your life. But getting onto The HuffPost was a close second.

Who am I kidding? It's the other way round. #OddPrioritiesBlogger

4. You wake up early/stay up super late to join a linky within the first few minutes of it going live. Okay, I've never done that. Love. Sleep. Too. Much. #BloggerSwat

5.You're not entirely sure where you the person ends and you the blogger begins. Frankly, you could happily answer to your blog name all day. #BlurredLinesBlogger

6. So when a friend asks how you are and what's been happening in your life, you're literally astonished at their question. Haven't they read my blog? Why don't' they check my Facebook, Twitter, Instagram?!#DivaBlogger

7. You've lost count of the number of Ugh I wish I'd thought of that moments you've had when reading other bloggers' posts or seeing their blog name. #GreenBlogger

8. A great Friday night is when you stay in to look at your Google Analytics and mentally high five yourself at the number of countries in which your blog is being read, your bounce rate, unique page views etc. You crazy cat you! #WildBlogger

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9. You say 'a friend of mine was just saying they're renovating their house' when in actual fact you mean you just read a post by a fellow blogger about their house renovation. #ConfusedBlogger

10. Talking of which, you almost have as many blogger 'friends' as you do real life friends. In fact, they're no longer just blogger friends because they're...well...friends now. And how excited are you that you're actually going to meet some of them in RL at your first blogger event?! #BlessedBlogger

11. Your real life friends have had to get used to your Eureka! moments as they inevitably say something on a night out/over a coffee that sparks an idea for a blog post. They inwardly roll their eyes as you whip out your phone (who am I never put it away) to make notes. #AlwaysOnDutyBlogger

12. You admire a site's plugins and marvel at the widgets and have actually been known to message a blogger you barely know to ask them which ones they use. #BoldBlogger

13. Sometimes you're more proud of your new post because of the image/title/font you came up with than the actual content itself. #LostThePlotBlogger

14. The blog is always in the back of your mind, the side recesses of your mind and the very forefront of your brain. Go without doing laundry or ironing for a month? Sure. Not write a blog post for two weeks? Are you insane? #GuiltyBlogger

15. You get more excited reading clever Twitter/Instagram profiles than you do a book. #TwitBlogger

16. In fact, what's a book? You can't remember when you actually had time to read one because now you just read blogs. #BlogsessedBlogger

17. Sometimes you'd just love to simply cook a meal/take the kids out/go on holiday without thinking of photographing/blogging every stage of it. Occasionally (strike me down for saying it) you wonder what life was like when you just lived it, not blogged it. #NostalgicBlogger

18. You're incapable of taking a picture without wondering if it would make a good blog post image. #CantLiveWithoutMyPhoneBlogger

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19. You love the word blogosphere and freakin' love that you're part of it #TheBloggerFamily

20. And before you became part of it, you had no idea what a featured image, banner, plugin, theme, linky etc was. #VirginBlogger

Basically you wouldn't have got half this post.

But you just did. More than half in fact.

Because you're...yep...officially a blog geek.

Don't worry. You can get pills for that.

I mean, congratulations! It's a great feeling isn't it?

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