"Infertile" Mum Gives Birth 90 Mins After Discovering She's Pregnant

"Infertile" Mum Gives Birth 90 Mins After Discovering She's Pregnant

Sarah Wilkinson turned up at hospital with stomach cramps completely unaware she was pregnant - and had a baby 90 minutes later.

Sarah, 26, from Peterborough, had been told she would probably never have any more children after the birth of her first son seven years ago.

You'd still think she might have noticed a wriggling, kicking baby inside her, wouldn't you?

I'm always amazed by these stories. How anyone can not know they're pregnant is beyond me. But it does seem to happen.

Apparently Sarah had only put on a few pounds during the pregnancy and thought it was because she hadn't been going to the gym.

Then when she went to the hospital, thinking she might have kidney stones, she discovered she was pregnant - and the baby was two weeks overdue.

After just 90 minutes she delivered 8lb 8oz Jack.

Sarah told the Daily Mail: "I thought they must have misdiagnosed me at the hospital or that they were joking. I said 'Excuse me, how can I be pregnant?'"

"But the nurse said they had performed two pregnancy tests and I was "very pregnant". I only had 90 minutes to adjust to the idea of becoming a mum again.

"Martin and I were both worried as I hadn't had any antenatal care or scans so we were just praying the baby would be healthy.

"I feel fantastic now but when it happened it was crazy. It only sunk in when they were delivering the baby."

Now they have come to terms with it she and her fiance Martin Jones are delighted with their new son Jack.

"Now my family is complete. I am just so happy, I feel like I've been blessed. It was a fantastic surprise and now we're going to have a wonderful Christmas," she told the Mail.

Source: Daily Mail