Is Katie Price Pregnant?

Is Katie Price Pregnant?

Katie Price - otherwise known as Jordan - has denied rumours she is pregnant.

Sources apparently close to Katie said the mum-of-three had taken three home pregnancy tests which all came back positive.

There have also been photos of the model's stomach which sparked rumours she was up the duff.

But Katie now says it's not true. In which case she must be a bit annoyed about the photos...

She vehemently denied the rumour on her Twitter page, after celebrity blogger Perez Hilton asked her if it was true.

She wrote: "No no no its sooo not true looks like ill have to pee on the preggie stick to prove this not engaged of getting married x" [sic].

The 31-year-old is going out with cage-fighter Alex Reid, 34 after breaking up with her husband, the "singer" Peter Andre.

She has recently said she would like to get pregnant again. She told TV interviewer Piers Morgan: "I'd definitely get married again and definitely want to have more babies.

"I get pregnant so quickly. I can guarantee I'll be pregnant this year."

She's also defended herself against critics who had a go at her for romping in a park with Alex while her kids were just a few yards away.

She told OK! magazine: "I don't know why people made such a big deal about me spending such a beautiful day in the park with Alex, the kids, mum and friends.

"Madonna and Kate Moss snog their men in front of their kids and aren't criticised for it - it's not like I'm with a different guy every week, I'm in a relationship!"

So will there soon be the pitter-patter of tiny feet? We'll just have to wait and see. Watch this space.

Perhaps she's just waiting until she's got something new to plug...

Source: The Sun

Source: The Telegraph