Just Park Game Calculates Your Age Based On Your Reaction Time

There's A Game That Tells You How Old You Are And You're Not Going To Like It

It's a well known fact that reaction times increase with age and if you didn't know, this harsh but honest game will tell you.

According to experts, your reaction time peaks at the age of 24 after which, your brain's response time slowly declines.

A study of 3,305 people between the ages of 16 and 44, arrived at this conclusion by observing how long it took video game players to save virtual lives.

If you're above the age of 24 and would like to attempt proving this study wrong, you should give this game from car parking company, Just Park, a go.

It begins with a virtual road that that looks something like this:

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You are then presented with a stop sign (without warning obviously) and the speed with which you click on the sign feeds in to the algorithm that calculates your age.

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Just Park surveyed 2,000 people aged 18 and above and plotted the results on a graph, with age on the x axis and reaction time (in milliseconds) on the y axis.

Before you begin, you should know that if you feel like sobbing at the end of the game, you are not alone. Oh and I'm not 49.

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Click image to open interactive version (via JustPark.com).

Animals Driving Cars
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