Kim Kardashian And Kanye West Get Booed At Paris Fashion Week

Kim Kardashian And Kanye West Get Booed At Paris Fashion Week

It's been an eventful couple of days at Paris Fashion Week for Kim Kardashian and Kanye West. Nothing but drama!

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First a prankster tried to hug Kim and almost knocks her off her feet, resulting in the pair reportedly hiring extra security for the remainder of their stay in the French capital.

And now, the couple are no doubt reeling after they were booed for arriving late to a show. Slightly embarrassing, eh?

While many people would have just let it go and moved on, Kanye, being typical Kanye, wasn't prepared to stand there and do nothing, instead he decided to explain the reasons why they were late to an annoyed mob of photographers.

Kanye stood up and faced his critics at the show and blamed Lanvin's creative director for their lateness.

He said: "Alber (Elbaz) asked to see us, we're not late. Don't boo us."

Kim was representing the Lanvin label by wearing one of the designer's blazers for the show.

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Kim has been attending shows to watch her sister Kendall Jenner model. Kendall has been taking the fashion world by storm in recent months, walking for the likes of Balmain at Paris Fashion Week, and before that she also walked for Dolce & Gabbana and Fendi at Milan Fashion Week.

Let's hope next week's a bit better for Kim and Kanye.

LOVE KIM KARDASHIAN'S STYLE? Check out some of her best looks here...