Lifting Holiday Spirits!

I've been prompted to write this as the slow return to Work, School, College and University begins and I keep hearing mention of the blues!

I've been prompted to write this as the slow return to Work, School, College and University begins and I keep hearing mention of the blues!

Yes it's September and many are feeling a little blue after their new 'holiday' routine has become something of a habit. As with any habit change, holiday habits can feel difficult to break and I've got some suggestions for a brighter life when it's time to get back to the usual routine!

1.As you get nearer to the end of a holiday start to go to bed and get up at a more 'usual' time, that fit's in more with the back to work routine.

2. Look at emails, work projects or something that you can familiarise yourself with the work you'll be going back to.

3. Gently introduce routine back into your life. If you have children you can do this with them too and encourage them to talk and seek reasurance about school nerves!

4. Look forward. Have something great to look forward to beyond this holiday. Perhaps book a 'power' long weekend break in October or November.

5. Consider using Light Therapy boxes if you think the shortening days or lack of daylight affects your behaviour and your mood.

6. Remember that beyond your holiday you've got other things to look forward to, have a plan of what you want to achieve in the coming days and month.

7. Catch up with other friends, students or work colleagues to get back into the swing of things.

8. Get outdoors! Getting outside is naturally mood enhancing and can really be a great place to think and plan for the coming weeks.

9. Remind yourself what great things you've got to return to, who'll you'll be seeing that you've missed over the holidays.

10. Finally remember to enjoy a break, make the most of your time and that there's so many more to come!

What are you going to do you to stop the post holiday blues?

Jayne Cox runs her private practice as an Emotional & Eating Disorder - Body Image Expert. A Specialist Women's Coach and Writer, she empowers and motivates women to Love their Years their Bodies and their Lives!