Light Up The Nursery: Top Designs To Brighten Your Room

Light Up The Nursery: Top Designs To Brighten Your Room

When we decorated our baby's room I found the barrage of pink or blue options a little on the overwhelming side and not really very 'us'. So if you're looking for something a little less traditional and a touch more contemporary too, here are a few ideas to inspire your creativity...

For baby's first couple of months he or she finds it much easier to see black and white than colour, so something with sharp contrast is more effective. Dutch by Design sell a stunning birdcage lamp that will be suitable for years to come.

That said it will be a few more months before babies can pick out detail from any distance, or possibly before you move them into their own room, so something with bold, sharp contrast but a little more colour might be just perfect. Hunkydory Home have some adorable handmade lampshades (pictured) for children, in unusual funky textiles.

For soft lighting or to keep little ones entertained, push the boat a touch and try Mathmos' incredible space projector. This futuristic machine will have bubbles, robots, flowers, galaxies and more floating in circles across the wall.

On a similar theme the Lumilove Rabbit glows gently for around six hours, changing colour as time goes by. It doesn't get hot so it's ideal as a nightlight, even for little ones who can climb out of bed. (I think parents really by this for themselves and just use the kids as an excuse. It's that cool).

And for something unique, the Instructables website shows you how to make a light out of plastic milk cartons. (Very well washed obviously!) It looks stunning; the sort from the 1970s and in IKEA that look like lots of pieces clipped together into geometric balls. What's great about this is there are infinite ways to put your light together so it will be original. If your child is that bit older, they can help with the washing, drawing, cutting and joining this light needs.

If you find any more lights you love, share them with us in the comments box below.