"Male Pregnancy" - Fathers-To-Be Pile On The Pounds

"Male Pregnancy" - Fathers-To-Be Pile On The Pounds

It's official - blokes really do put on weight when their partners are pregnant.

According to a new poll, the average expectant father puts on a stone during his partner's pregnancy.

The phenomenon has even got a name, it's been labelled "male pregnancy". And guess what, the chaps are blaming their women for those extra pounds.

Apparently the kind dears are eating more food to make their partner feel better about her weight gain. How sweet and selfless of them...

A quarter of men questioned by marketing company Onepoll gave this as the reason for them piling on the pounds.

A fifth of men surveyed said they were given larger meals, while 41 per cent said there were more snacks in the house.

A quarter said they had been forced to buy a "paternity" wardrobe because they had got so podgy. The average dad put on at least two inches around their waist.

Favourite "male pregnancy" snacks included pizza, chocolate, crisps, and more inappropriately, beer. Not sure how they explain that one away.

A spokesman for www.OnePoll.com said: ''The average woman puts on about two and a half stone during her pregnancy, and it's not at all uncommon for her to crave more fatty foods and need more regular snacks.

''So if the kitchen cupboards are suddenly brimming with snacks and food, its no wonder blokes are tempted to tuck in as well.

''The only problem seems to be that men are choosing to snack on unhealthier options such as sweets and cakes -- and I don't think women can be blamed for their partners drinking more beer.''

My husband reckons he did put on weight during pregnancy. Well, if I was troughing chocolate ice-cream every night, he thought it would be rude not to join in.

However, since the birth of our daughter, he has lost even more weight than I have. All that pacing up and down to get her off to sleep is really paying off.

According to this poll, only a third of men joined their partners on a post-pregnancy diet. But if he's pulling his weight (so to speak) with the baby, he shouldn't need to!