Masters Of Sex: Five Things You Need To Know

Masters Of Sex: Five Things You Need To Know

If you haven't heard of Masters Of Sex yet, where on earth have you been hiding? A nunnery? The American TV series about human sexuality science pioneers whose research sparked the sexual revolution, Dr. William Masters and Virginia Johnson. It stars Michael Sheen and Lizzy Caplan and is set to be a hit.

The 12-part drama set in Fifties America airs tonight (Tuesday) on Channel 4 and here's five reasons why we'll be tuning in...

1. It's got Janis from Mean Girls in it

Yeah you knew you recognised Lizzy Caplan from somewhere. Not only did she play Lindsay Lohan's geeky gal pal Janis Ian in the teen cult classic, but she was also in Cloverfield (you know, with the aliens?), Hot Tub Time Machine and True Blood.

Talking about her appearance in the aforementioned Cloverfield Lizzy told The Independent: "The budget was $20-25m... and for a monster movie that's nothing! What a cheap monster. Well, none of us got paid anything, it all went to that fucking monster!" Um, lol?

2. It's about sex

Call us immature. Whatever. If it's got sex in it we're there, and don't pretend you're not... Just don't watch this new show with mum and dad, or on the train, or on catch up on your lunch break. If there's one thing this series is it's NSFW.

3. It's based on a true story

You know what they say, the truth is stranger than fiction. Also, watching this will count as learning, right? Move over Downton Abbey, there's a new quasi-historical series on the box.

4. This video...

5. The fashion

From the looks of things Masters Of Sex is set to be as sexy as Mad Men and dripping with just as much sartorial elegance. You'll be forgiven for only dressing in a-line tailored dresses and rocking a bouffant by the end of episode two.

If you need any more convincing check out these AMAZING pics...