More Brits Opting For Cosmetic Surgery

More Brits Opting For Cosmetic Surgery

Boobs are well and truly back, or rather that's what figures just released by the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) suggest.

The number of women having breast enlargement is on the rise. Photo: Getty, Adam Gault

According to the cosmetic surgery experts, the number of women having breast enlargement operations went up by 10 compared with 2009. Women are still by far getting the most work done, with just 10 on 2009), as are face and/or neck lifts (12 and 4 on the previous year). Men are having more cosmetic surgery overall too, it seems, though with just a 7% rise in 2010 they still have quite a way to go to catch up with women.

A separate survey has also just revealed that women in the UK spend more money on looking good than on staying healthy. The average woman, it claims, spends £336 on beauty products, compared with £228 on going to the gym and buying vitamin supplements.

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