A Stressed Dad's Top Tips for Moving House

If like me you have recently moved in the last few weeks you can probably remember the horror of finding those little extra costs and projects that you didn't foresee. I thought that other parents would appreciate a little help from for a dad who has been through the ordeal.

In 2013 there were an estimated 3,000,000 people in the UK who moved house, as well as 823,000 who chose to up sticks and move overseas. Moving house is likely to be one of the biggest purchases that you'll make, with the average house price in the UK being £177,000.

If like me you have recently moved in the last few weeks you can probably remember the horror of finding those little extra costs and projects that you didn't foresee. I thought that other parents would appreciate a little help from for a dad who has been through the ordeal;

Stress levels

Studies have found that moving house ranks at number one for causing stress - even more so than divorce and bankruptcy. With back-and-forth negotiations through respective estate agents, nervous waits for offers to be accepted, and the daunting task of packing away all of your worldly possessions, it's no surprise that it adds to a sky-rocketing blood pressure.

But your dream move doesn't have to be such a nightmare. I recently moved with my own family and can say, as a veteran mover, that with a clear plan and some simple tips, you might even have time for a cup of tea at the end of it all!

Label boxes

Moving all of your possessions, in boxes, to another location will almost certainly be stressful. Add to that arriving to your new house and not knowing which box goes where and you're going to add unnecessary time and stress to your move. If you are a real stickler for efficiency, colour-coding boxes for each room of the house could be the way to go - you can find printable stickers online that can help to save a penny or two.

Consider renovation early

Personal experience has taught me that what, on the surface, might look like a quick carpet-fitting session can easily escalate to taking doors off hinges, and sanding for an extra millimetre. Try to consider what might be affected by changing an aspect of the house as knock-on effects and additional work might need to be done.

There are some fantastic free planning tools online like the room decorating cost and quantity calculator that can help you cost up the price of paint and the Home Move Pro App that has everything you need to plan and organize your home moving.

Keep the children entertained: pack a play bag

Despite your best efforts to create a buzz around the move for children, it's more than likely that the idea of all of their toys being packed away won't do much to keep them on your side. Set aside a rucksack with colouring books, dolls, or handheld gaming devices to keep them busy.

Save important items and documents

Stash all of your important documentation somewhere that you will remember, or even better, keep them with you during the move. Think of licences, banking details, legal documents, and of course, the keys to your new home!

List what will be left in the house

Ask the previous owners what they will be planning on taking with them. It's these small items which might not be considered before the move, but once you arrive, they can be a pain to sort through.

Maintain your routine

The most important thing to remember with any move, is that you will be finished and settled into your new house before you know it. Keeping old routines alive will help to make your new house feel like a home. It is likely that there will be a broken item or two which might get you riled, but the bigger picture is that you're making an exciting move which will only take a short time.

Good luck!