M&S Easter Yoga Bunny's 'Suggestive' Downward Dog Position Raises Eyebrows

Love sausage 2.0.

For Valentine’s day, they gave us the infamous love sausage, but the cheeky folk at Marks and Spencer may have outdone themselves with a new Easter treat: the Yoga Bunny.

The chocolate bunny is supposedly designed to look like the downwards-facing dog yoga position, but many on Twitter have said it looks a little more, ahem, “suggestive”. 

The product is a hand decorated milk chocolate bunny, which comes complete with “raspberry nibs”.

In true M&S style, the retailer has been responding to customers with mock innocence. If you ask us, they know exactly what they’re doing. 

Others on Twitter have still been left giggling by the product. 

Even the staff can’t seem to take the yoga bunny entirely seriously. One Twitter user who says he’s a customer assistant at M&S has this to say: 

M&S, don’t ever change.