Mum Says Get Out, Drives Off

Mum Says Get Out, Drives Off

How frustrated do you have to be to drive off and leave your children behind on a street corner? One mum found out.

Madlyn Primoff, a 45-year-old partner in a law firm in New York, did what many parents -- myself included -- often threaten: she pulled her car over, told her kids to get out, and drove off, leaving them behind. She is now facing a charge of endangering a child after leaving her 10- and 12-year-old daughters in a White Plains, New York business district. Apparently, the girls had been arguing and Primoff couldn't take it anymore.

What kind of mother would do that? According to her lawyer, Primoff "is a great mother connected with a great family." The lawyer also noted that Primoff "is grateful for the outpouring of support from friends and family." Nonetheless, police say she abandoned her daughters about three miles from their house; her older daughter made it home while the younger daughter was picked up by a "Good Samaritan."

Primoff called police to report her 10-year-old as missing, but was told to go to the police headquarters in White Plains. When she did, she was arrested. She is now barred from contact with her kids, at least temporarily. Primoff pleaded not guilty to the charges.

Now, we've all felt the way Primoff must have; I know that "I'll let you out and you can walk home!" is heard at least once a trip when I'm driving the kids. I've even gone so far as to pull over and open the van door. Actually letting them out, however is a whole other matter. And driving off, well, that's just plain criminal...

Would you ever kick your kids out of the car?