Mums Are Better Drivers - It's Official

Mums Are Better Drivers - It's Official

Children say their mums are better drivers than their dads, a new survey has revealed.

The poll, carried out by GEM Motoring Assist, found that six out of ten kids were happier and more relaxed when their mother was driving.

Children thought their dads drove too fast, were more aggressive and lost their temper quickly.

They said mums were less likely to suffer from road rage. Mmmm. Not sure that's true. Especially on the school run.

However, the poll also confirmed the stereotype that women can't park, with children saying mums were more likely to stall the car or find it difficult to park.

David Williams MBE, CEO of GEM, a breakdown cover and road safety organisation, told the Telegraph: "'The research shows that while mum might not be the most skilled driver, she is certainly the most calm.

"Unfortunately many children seem to dread getting in the car with dad because his mood is unpredictable and they never know when he is going to get an attack of road rage.

"Dads seem more intent on getting from A to B as quickly as possible, whereas mums will take things slower and spend her time singing or chatting to the kids rather than getting annoyed with other drivers.

"It is important to make your kids feel safe in the car and more importantly it is vital your children ARE safe in the car. Not sticking to the rules and driving too fast puts your kids in a dangerous situation and could result in a serious accident."

Reports of the study paint dads as being impatient, driving too fast, shouting at other drivers and losing their tempers.

But 70 per cent of children said their mum sings while she's driving. Glad it's not just me... although there's also a fair bit of shouting goes on as well.

Seven in 10 youngsters said their mother was more likely to stall the car when pulling away and 64% said she was incapable of reverse parking. Everyone's a critic...

I'm sure my husband is a much calmer driver than I am. What do you think - who's the better driver in your family?

Source: Daily Telegraph