Pass Us The Packet: The Sweets That Help You Stay Young

Pass Us The Packet: The Sweets That Help You Stay Young

Looking younger, having better skin and more energy are all down to a lot of effort, right? After all, isn't it all about no pain, no gain, at least where looks and the body beautiful is concerned?

Could eating sweets make you younger and more beautiful? Photo: MorgueFile, ppdigital

But a new Brazilian brand called Beauty Candy is attempting to make the process of anti-ageing a lot sweeter. Beauty Candy sweets and soft drinks claim to increase your energy levels, boost your health, improve your skin and generally slow down the ageing process. Hang on, that just sounds too good to be true, doesn't it?

Well we won't have long to find out for ourselves, as Beauty Candy products may well be available in the UK next year. But until then, here's a taster of what they contain: collagen and vitamins, along with no fat, sugar, salt or preservatives (and they're low in calories too).

Of course there's a catch. According to newspaper reports, a pack of Beauty Candy sweeties (average contents 80 sweets) costs £7.50, though each pack comes with a 'beauty drink' that comes in eight flavours. However, quite how many sweets you have to eat a day to achieve Beauty Candy's claims isn't yet clear.

The sweet treats were reportedly launched in Brazil this summer by entrepreneur and former dentist Cristiana Arcangeli, who has introduced a range of beauty products in the country. But critics are already putting the boot in, claiming that the claims behind the sweets are misleading.

Beauty boosting foods are, however, set to become a new trend, with food manufacturers promising all manner of new snacks, including an anti-ageing ice cream. But are the food companies simply cashing in on our insecurities about our looks?

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