Photoshopping In Fashion And Beauty Adverts Could Be Banned

Photoshopping In Fashion And Beauty Adverts Could Be Banned

A new bill has been introduced in the US congress called the Truth in Advertising Act of 2014. It's all about ensuring that fashion and beauty ads don't promote unrealistic or disordered body images.

The Eating Disorders Coalitionis rallying for the cause so that the Federal Trade Commission is required to check when advertisements digitally alter or enhance the appearance of their models dramatically.

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Now this is exactly the kind of action that needs to take place in an over-sexualised industry completely preoccupied with the idea of perfection.

You just have to look at brands like Target, for example, who are big on the old photoshopping game. The US retailer's bikini models? Air-brushed into oblivion and all about a completely fake thigh gap.

It's advertising campaigns like this that are totally damaging and promote unhealthy, unrealistic ideals about the body.

Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a representative and co-sponsor of the new bill said: "The link between false ads and eating disorders becomes increasingly clear every day.

"We need to instead empower young men and women to have realistic expectations of their bodies."

Watch this for an idea of just how much photoshopping goes on behind the scenes...