Pop Is Sexualising Kids: 99% Of The Charts Is 'Soft Pornography'

Pop Is Sexualising Kids: 99% Of The Charts Is 'Soft Pornography'

Record producer Mike Stock of Stock, Aikten and Waterman fame, has launched a scathing attack on his own industry, claiming modern music is 'sexualising' young children.

Stock, 58, who orchestrated Kylie Minogue's rise to stardom, claimed that music videos, in particular those from R&B acts, were exposing children to 'pornography' and making them grow up 'too young'.

'I wouldn't necessarily want my young kids to watch them,' he said, adding 'I would certainly be embarrassed to sit there with my mum.'

Stars singled out by Stock for their raunchy lyrics, dance moves and appearance include Lady Gaga and Britney Spears. He also levied criticism at Madonna for allowing her 13-year-old daughter Lourdes to front a clothing range, saying: 'Lourdes is a 13-year-old girl. Madonna may have been happy but I bet about 90 per cent of parents wouldn't be happy with that.'

Mr Stock says he has spoken to many mothers who share his concerns: 'Mothers of young children are worried because you can't control the TV remote control. Before children even step into school, they have all these images - the pop videos and computer games like Grand Theft Auto - confronting them and the parents can't control it. Talking to mothers' groups, they were saying that even they have lost faith in brands like Disney.'

His comments come ahead of the opening of his new musical, The Go! Go! Go! Show which he says was born out of his 'frustration' at the way the music industry has gone.

'[It's] a family-orientated show,' he said, 'They [mothers' groups] have been telling me what they want - and we have been trying to deliver it.'

What do you think?

Do today's music and fashion trends sexualise children?