Queen's Speech Should Include The X Factor And The War

Queen's Speech Should Include The X Factor And The War

A recent survey, carried out by LEGO, has discovered what children want the Queen to cover in her annual speech this Christmas day.

Some of the results are as expected, including coverage of X Factor 2009, whilst other are surprising and heart-warming, like discussion of the war in Afghanistan.

A third of those asked didn't feel the speech was significantly relevant to their own lives, and two-thirds of children will not be sitting down to watch her Royal Highness address the nation,

I have to confess, I've never seen the Queen's speech. Not because I purposely avoid it, but because the TV is rarely on during Christmas day in our house.

So what would encourage children
to tune in? Read on to find out...

  • 40 of all children thinking it should be more of a feature. This could possibly be due to the number of families who are affected by parents who serve in the war.

  • 20 of children also want to know whether the Queen is 'Team Edward' or 'Team Jacob' from the Twilight films.

  • 52 of girls want to know what the Queen got for Christmas. I'm quietly hoping she gets a Wii.

Do you sit down to watch the Queen's Speech? Is it still relevant today?